Every single woman should know how to defend themselves with their body strength alone. A woman should not rely on products such as mace to save their lives. There are a variety of situations we can be in and truth be told you are not always going to have mace by your side. You will, however, have your brain and your body!
Self defense class was a must when I created the personal growth calendar for my #mlhseniorrolemodels. We were so very fortunate to find a partnership with Mark Cukro of Integrated Martial Arts Academy. Mark shares the same beliefs as I do and was very passionate about equipping these young girls with strategies to defend and protect themselves now and for their future lives as young women in college.
We covered real life situations. There was no fluff. The first part of class was discussion. It was important that there was real talk before we learned the moves. We got straight to business with what to do if someone (particularly large males) were pulling you. We worked on how to negotiate someone who has come from behind and someone who was trying to choke you.

I loved that Mark covered hair pulling. So many young girls are vulnerable to this when wearing their hair up in a pony tail or bun. The strategies he taught everyone will be so valuable. They are easy to remember and easy to execute. Nothing fancy. That was one of THE BEST parts of self defense class. We can all do this!

You probably can’t believe it. I know I did not. But us little girls can really pack a punch! When you know what to do, and you practice it, you can really kick some booty!
I am a firm believer that if you want to do something you have to not only hear it and see it, but you must physically do it! The models did a great job of volunteering to try things out. I even had a chance to try a few moves. For me, I felt one of the best strategies we learned was how to negotiate someone (particularly a male) off of you when they are on top and have you pinned on your back. I volunteered for this demonstration because I just couldn’t believe that I would be able to get a man off of me when he was clearly in the control position.
Guess what?! I did. I totally got Mark off of me. I made him swear that he did not hesitate or give me grace. He said he kept his full strength and I truly was able to get him off. That my friends, is powerful. It is empowering for my psyche as well. Because I know that I CAN do it, I am more likely to execute this if I was ever in the situation.
Now, how valuable is this for YOUR teen daughter?! Priceless.

We all walked away from this class feeling like super women! The class was so amazing that every single model wants to attend the next one we hold. I call that success!
Below are a couple of clips from our class. GO GIRL POWER!
The Melissa Lynn Hunt Senior Model Team is made up with high school juniors/seniors from Cabarrus and Charlotte Mecklenburg county. These young ladies are role models in their community, hardworking and driven to make a difference in the lives of others. As a team, they strive to be role models for others by respecting and presenting themselves well in person and on social media. They aim to better themselves through academics, community service, and extracurricular activities so that they can, in return, better the lives of others around them. Throughout the year, they work together to create and implement different ideas to give back while growing personally and building a stronger team.
Want so see more of what the #mlhseniorrolemodels team is up to? Check out below.