When photographers set out to run senior model programs they aim for having an AMAZING group of high school teens to represent their photography business. They hold creative and fun photo shoots that their model team can participate in and they build a lot of buzz for their senior portrait business. It’s a wonderful program at its core.
I craved something more.
I also felt an overwhelming responsibility to give back to these girls. I had a desire to impact their lives with knowledge that they were not going to get from a high school class. I have seen the gaps in high school & college programs. Heck, I have lived through them! I have unique life experiences that have made me who I am today. I have had struggles with friendships, with boys, with body image, and the list goes on. I knew that I had the right qualifications (aka my tragedies and triumphs) to make a difference. It probably also helps that I have an education degree and truly enjoy to teach!
Last year we successfully held a Healthy Eating class, Self Defense Class, and Car Care Class. This year we are just adding to the awesomeness.

To kick things we off we started with a teen skin and makeup class. Layne Barter, one of the hair/makeup artists I work with, hosted and taught the class to my team. Layne is an advocate of using safe natural products, caring for your skin while you are young, and the concept of less is more.
When I was a teen I would have loved to have been a part of a class like this. The lessons are so valuable because they equip these girls with the knowledge to care for themselves. As young girls it’s almost impossible to think about yourself in your 30’s and beyond. It’s just not how we think when we are in our teens. And this is ok! I recognize that and it is the biggest reason why I want to bring this knowledge to them.

Layne demonstrated how to apply the right amount of “day” makeup. She emphasized that less is more and that color choice is very important.
I must give a shout-out to our fabulous #mlhseniorrolemodels Class of 2017 Hannah! She volunteered her time and modeled for the class.

After Layne’s talk and demonstration the team had a chance to go through their personal makeup bags. They met with Layne one on one to talk about safe ingredients, products that are multi-purpose, can save money, and products that a teen can live without.

This truly was a great time together for our very first model class! It was the perfect way to kick off the program for the 2018 models!
They loved it too!! Read below to hear what some of the girls are saying about the class!
I enjoyed the model class because it opened my eyes to how im treating my body. We need to protect our bodies and not
put substances and products on it that is going to harm it. It definitely made me rethink some of the things I use on my body that
could be damaging it. – Angellina
This meeting was so fun to attend as Layne provided us with tips and techniques to apply our makeup, informed us of the
harmful chemicals that makeup and skin products might be inflicting on our skin, and even suggested an app that tells you how
good or bad the products you are using are for you! – Meg
This meeting was super fun because girls don’t usually talk about their makeup in groups like this! It’s eye opening to hear
advice from a professional. – Kendall
I enjoyed the model meeting because it opened my eyes to the everyday products I use. I was also able to see how to enhance
my face, and it just cover it up. I was able to develop skills so that I can feel beautiful in my makeup by not wearing as much. – Cameron
I enjoyed this meeting because I learned facts that could potentially help me live and longer, healthier, and happy life! – Chloe

Melissa Lynn Hunt is a Charlotte, NC Senior Portrait Photographer. You can peek into the behind the scenes fun
Want to see a recent senior portrait session … check out