A senior portrait model program is the reason my senior portrait business has flourished into what it is today. What started as a traditional model program has since become a strong community of teens growing and working together for the betterment of themselves and others. We proudly refer to our team as the Senior Role Models!
The first time I learned about the concept of a model program was when I attended a Seniorologie conference. The conference was perfect for someone like me, brand new to the senior portrait industry and needing advice, training, and experience shooting.
I learned all about the concept of a senior portrait model program and the advertising advantages it had for getting your business not only off the ground but for continued growth. As soon as I came home from the workshop I immediately implemented everything I learned. I reached out to Facebook friends, family, and current clients. I told everyone I knew about the program I was creating and how I was looking for high school teens to represent my business. A few months later I kicked off the very first Melissa Lynn Hunt Seniors Model Team with 3 models!
This was the only easy part I would ever encounter.
Through experience, trial and error, audio books, and a whole lot of “Dear Jesus, I hope this works.” I have grown my model team from 3 non-paying models to 17 paying models in 4 years.
Today my model team participates in over 20 classes/events throughout the year. The senior portrait model program includes self defense, creating a healthy lifestyle as a teen, defensive driving, car care, and so much more. The team builds fundraising events to support local charities and volunteers their time in the community. The best part is that the team is designing, building, and leading all major events. I guide and assist. That is all. They are gaining valuable experiences that will be beneficial to not only their future but for their college & scholarship applications. The team has become “role models” on our community where it’s about who we are and not what we look like. We are doing things that no other model program is doing out there. We are reaching new heights!

It takes a lot of work to run a successful model program. Whether it’s with 3 models or 20 plus. Leading & managing a group of teens requires very specific actions. It requires extensive planning, clear communication, a superb management system, a BIG heart, and so much more!
The growing pains hurt. The lessons were tough. I learned how to balance being a mom of two boys and run a photography business. I also learned how to maintain my creative free spirit while being a business woman at the same time (ehem, gotta pay those bills).
I know that so many of you can relate to this feeling. Which is why I feel so compelled to create a class on how to run a successful senior role model program. I want to share all of my experiences from the first day I created the program to the this very moment in time. I want to share my systems. I want you to learn how to manage your client base, communicate effectively, and have an amazing time while you are doing it! If I can run a profitable model program then I know you can! Whether you are a brand new senior portrait photographer or a seasoned professional, this course is designed for you.
I know you want to see success in your business. I know you want your business to grow every year. I also know that you need the tools do this. Be sure to join the mailing list by entering your info above this post or in the pop up window so that you can receive the details as soon as they become available. I am busy creating the content for course and will be launching all of the details soon.
If you would like to be a part of the model program test group please express your interest via email to melissa@melissalynnhunt.com
I will be accepting a few select photographers to test the course later this Fall!
I also enjoy teaching about In Person Sales. You can learn more about it by watching this film
Check out the 2018 Senior Model Shoot film
created by the super talented Timm Young from Untitled Works