In my experience as a girl, having lots of girl friends, and working with teens, there is one thing we all have in common: insecurities.
Our insecurities often surround our physical appearance and that is just every day life in blue jeans and a tshirt.
And then comes bathing suit season.
The vulnerability of a bathing suit is a feeling that every girl understands.
Which is why we are grateful for movements such as body positivity and for the countless clothing brands & companies who have made it a priority to celebrate all shapes & sizes.
Loving our body is a journey. With each season of life comes new challenges. However, if we can surround ourselves with the right people and the right messages – we have a fighting chance.
This year some of the Genuine Team girls wanted to embrace their body, show love and appreciation for who they are and how they look. With their Aerie bathing suits ready, we took to the beach.
I personally, as a teen photographer, wanted to leave my mark in the world of body positivity. Every photo featured has ZERO skin editing. Each photo was minimally touched up; only reds and yellow reduced with a little sharpening. I even left in the tan lines from from the bathing suits they wore earlier in the week. 🙂
I didn’t purposefully pose them in effort to avoid anything. We simply walked, jumped, twirled, and giggled our way through our time together on the beach. My goal was to photograph “them” exactly how they are, beautiful – incredible young women!